Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Month Nine

The year is coming to an end and so is the life of "my" vineyard.  It is sad in a way to think that this vineyard has almost served its usefulness to the world for this year.  The grapes have been picked an are on the ground for drying.  The paper trays have been rolled and I have been told that this type of roll is a cigarette roll.  I learned a few things about raisins and processing them in the past few months.  Once the grapes have dried to a certain level they are rolled and then after that they are taken to the processing plant for evening out of the dryness, sorting and sterilizing. I never really thought about how much work goes into just one box of raisins that I can conveniently purchase at the grocery store. 

Thank you so much for taking this journey with me this past year.  Three more months and we will have completed one full cycle of the life of this vineyard. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Month Eight

I'm late in getting this post done but I did get the picture on time! I did not know what type of grapes were being grown in "My" vineyard but just yesterday I found out. My vineyard is growing grapes for raisens! They are harvesting the grapes and laying them out for drying right now! How exciting to see this vineyard grow and transform over the past 8 months!

Thank  you for looking in this month to see the progress of my vineyard. 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Month Seven

Hi and welcome back to this little corner of blogland.  As I told you in my first blog documenting this vineyard, this is located at the corner of Adams and Temperance.  Well, further east on Adams there is a vineyard that is currently being harvested!  From what I can see the grapes are dark purple.  I had no clue that the grapes were picked and packaged right there in the vineyard!  What a surprise to get to experience seeing that.  I hope to get some pictures of it next week.  I hope I am able to observe the harvesting of "my" vineyard!  Well, with out further delay, here is month seven in a year in the life of a vineyard!

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you next month!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Month Six

Wow!  I can't believe that this year is already half over!  I am having so much fun following the growth of this vineyard and I look forward to seeing the changes for the rest of the year.  I was a few days late getting this months picture and I'm sort of glad because when I drove over there today the rows were filled with irrigation water!  Just another aspect to the growth of agriculture here in the valley that I don't think about on a daily basis.  I know plants need water to survive but I don't think about how the orchards and vineyards receive this precious resource so it was a good reminder.

Thank you for visiting again today and I look forward to next month.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Month Five

Wow!  It's hard to believe that it has been five months since I started following this row of grapevines!  The growth is amazing and I can't wait to see the harvesting of this vineyard!.


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Month Four

I am a day late with this months post but somehow yesterday got away from me.  I can not believe the difference in last months picture of my vineyard and this months picture!  It is amazing and incredible to me.  I have to admit I wanted to take pictures a week ago but I just couldn't...  I look forward to seeing the harvesting of the crop that this vineyard will produce.  In the first three pictures you could see the highschool football stadium and in this picture it is barely visable.  Thanks for taking time to join me in this year long adventure!


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Month Three

Most of my life I have lived in California's Central Valley and in all these years I have never really paid attention to all that goes into the agriculture business.  As I watch "my" vineyard I see subtle changes and activities that I normally would not even pay attention to.  There are days of nothing happening and then all of a sudden the field is full of workers doing their thing.  I am anxious to see the continued growth and activity of this vineyard that I have chosen to follow for a complete year of life.

The vines are starting to show signs of life! Pretty green leaves are popping up and more show each day.
I was so excited last week when I started seeing green appear on the vines that I was so tempted to take a picture but... the 28th day of each month is "picture" day and I forced myself to wait.  So here is this months picture of "my vineyard"!
